Visual Brain Models for Presentations

GIF references: 3D Models viewing manipulated by H Muzart, in terms of displayed sections and ROI highlights; actual original constructions by SPM/xjview/other developers and Allen Brain Mapping Explorer.

3D Brain - visual graphical models

In Matlab, I used: SPM, the 3D reconstructions (partially based on the rendering from MRI scanning of brains by those relevant institutions, MNI slices), xjview, the AAL3 atlas, and Neuromorphometrics. The ROIs I selected are shown in red: for the mPFC, mOFC, amygdala, hippocampus, extrastriate visual cortex. 

I also used the Allen Institute's '' install, to highlight subcortical limbic structures. 

See also my HM Model and This also relates to other works in computational anatomy. As mentioned elsewhere in CognTech, I also am keen on using Blender and other 3D software (also see Private Cloud Drive). I am aiming to build a much more advanced version of 3D Brain Apps, similar to many that already exist (e.g. CCSHL LC, etc)

See also Analysing Neuroimaging Data and Exploring BMIs/BCIs - Using Blender3D ( in the UI (which has compiled interoperability with C and Python) (filetypes: .blend .obj, .fbx, .ply, .stl, .cad, .autodsk, .max, .vox, .jpng, .json) - I have constructed 3D brain models, based on actual sMRI and MEG data (.tar, .dicom, .nifti, .cff, .nii, .hdr, .img), and reconstructed on mesh templates with various textures. See web-embed implementation on and (VR-view enabled & device compatible) , , as shown below.

The above is part of MNT since 2017, but I have been able to refine the data with my neuroimaging research at KCL (MSc, 2020), and have been able to deliver it to students/staff as part of psycho-cognitive studies in technology-enhanced learning in higher education (KCL job as an ambassador, demonstrator, contributor - 2019-2022).

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To be done in the future: TBC

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