Psychophysics Biophysiological Metrics

Visual Psychophysics relates to visual stimuli/cues in the external world and in controlled lab settings.

Biophysiological metrics are all about the human's bodily responses to these stimuli - i.e. measurable quantified parameters at the interface with our organismal physiology (which includes the nervous system and all other organ systems), our sensory organ bounds and the external sensory stimuli; this is also explained in terms of the basic physics of the human body.

Oculomotor (eye-gaze) tracking

GIF references: Camera recording by H Muzart, of H Muzart's eyes, during eye-tracking experiment (by Pronk et al) partially modified by H Muzart.

(not to be confused with visual optical acuity and/or traditional visual cortical-level processing)

Much of my interests is focused on the visual representations: the objective veridical reality of the external world (some of which constitutes what we can see), our visual perception, and how the brain cortex processes it all. Also see other neuroscience-related sections in CognTech: 2D/3D simulations, paradigm presentations, computer vision, neural ensembles, neural imaging techniques. But there is also something interesting in the way the eye moves within the eye socket axes, underpinned by sub-cortical midbrain structures as well. Consciously and sub-consciously-induced oculo-motor gaze saccades are not just important in ophthalmics, but also provide key data to computational neuroscience and computational psychometrics. Our eyes sample data in such a way as to gather evidence in the most efficient way and resolve uncertainty, they can provide a window into neural systems in the Bayesian contextual framework (Friston et al 2005-2020, [link1]) and underpins a wide range of neurological an psychiatric ailments, as well as embodied artificial intelligent systems.

My interests are:

  • Developing DIY open-source measuring hardware (e.g. infrared laser bar set on the desk or computer aimed towards the viewer, and/or wearable glasses mounts with several IR microtech to capture ocular curvature, etc).

  • Developing software components which run just on webcam visual information (similar to PsychoPy/PsychoJS that uses the webgazer.js ( library, Pygaze, and many other university-funded and commercial products).

But my focus is mainly on:

Psychophysics Biophysiological Metrics [Images]
Psychophysics Biophysiological Metrics [Images]


Other works that I have previous experience of comes from my work experience, extra curricular activities, sports exercise science, and human lab workshops at University College London (2013-2016) and KCL (2018-2020) (see and my shared Private Cloud Drive folders). Some devices I used include: galvanometers for electrical conductance (epidermal sweat detection); heart rate monitors; electromyography (stimulation and recordings); ophthalmic tools; etc; and also for neurological and neurophysiology recordings info, see this page (Neurological & Neurophysiological Assessments)

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