Data Visualisation

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GIF references: All images taken by H Muzart; data by H Muzart, amended parameters and scripts by H Muzart, from the graphical tools from the user interface of Excel, Matlab, Scilab, Octave, Flourish.

So far I have used many tools. Data visualisation is a phenomenal tool for education and scientific research, and for pretty much anything: demographics, sociology, neuroscience data, etc, anything at all levels of organisation ... in science, forensics, investigative journalism, science publications, ... Much has gone into developing these computational tools, and optimising them, and seeing how helpful they are for humans. Our humans brains may find it very difficult to make sense of large tables of meaningless data and large amounts of text. Graphical codifications and reduced high dimensionality (to 3 dimensions of space), using scatterplots, 3D mesh, nodes connectomes, animated interactive plots, etc, have helped greatly.

I have been using the following:

  • Flourish, using Javascript, HTML, csv (, HM 2019-2021)

  • MS Excel spreadsheets charts/graphs (all my works from school, UCL, KCL, other, 2005-present)

  • PHP, SQL, database, DNS (HM 2016-2020)

  • Visual Studio, C# (CognTech) (HM 2016-2020)

  • branching tree nodes (HM 2020)

  • Unity 3D engine (HM 2012, 2016-2021)

  • Blender (HM 2012, 2016-2020)

  • Matlab, especially graphical UI tools (e.g. mesh plots) (HM 2015, 2019-2021)

  • SciLab / Octave (HM 2016-2019)

  • R Studio (HM 2017-2018)

  • Allen Institute - Explorer interface (HM 2016-2020)

There is also other more advanced data visualisations (interactive 3D nodes connectome) that I am aiming on working on (similar to what is shown by , and using WebGL & Py & Cloud data tools).

Data Visualisation [Images]


Data Visualisation [Images]
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