e-Learning and Applied Cognitive Neuroscience

There are several areas related to this section:


The process of creating effective resources.


The components of the resources themselves (using my experience in: educational psychology, UI/UX (user interface/experience), the cognitive neuroscience of learning, holistic perspectives, computational processes, ICT digital computing skills/tools).


Neuroplasticity Processes, in relation to #2 above and #4 below.

Human children and adult CNS neurons have some plasticity -- the neuronal nodes, via LTP, can morphologically wire together in different ways throughout life. We can also look at the macroscopic brain in terms of the general psychological process of learning (new knowledge, skills, etc) and making associations.

This interest comes from my own personal experiences, see www.Harry-Muzart.info .

It also relates to other sections in CognTech:

--- e-Apps/simulations, VR-compatible tools, biophysiology, for direct & indirect uses for learning/memory, psychiatric attributes, etc ( https://www.cogntech.org/home#h.ftkb78wqmso3 ).

--- personalisation systems ( https://www.cogntech.org/home#h.2for78qda5fu ) for personalised learning for different neuropsychological profiles, and people with learning developmental disabilities, psychiatric issues (ASD, ADHD spectrum, psychosis), addictions to certain audio-visual media (internet addiction, video game addiction, etc), neurological impediments (e.g hearing), aphasia stroke-recoveries, ... and hence will also have regenerative/helpful capabilities (these are yet to be prototyped and then validated).

--- ANN-BNN models ( https://www.cogntech.org/home#h.n5gxlrtcb9e )

--- BMIs, body/limb augmentation experiments, social robotics, etc ( https://www.cogntech.org/home#h.bf0uwnyu3178 )

Future projects would include:

  • TBC


Feedback from individual interpersonal communications via local groups and e-community.

Feedback from Analytics metrics.


Using an interdisciplinary approach for the above, and also further the idea of interdisciplinary science.

Promoting open-access collaborative scientific endeavours.

More information on #2, #4, #5

(for now, see section Popularising Interdisciplinary Open Science ) [LINK]