Neurological & Neurophysiological Assessments


This here relates to page [Psycho-Behavioural Biophysiological Metrics] and the main Organismal Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology, Neuro-engineering -

So here below is series of mnemonic cards that I created to carry out Neurological, Physiological, Biocognitive Measurements on anyone, in any setting, as it relates to sensory, motor, and cognitive functions - in Quantifiable ways.

This stems from my experiences and interests back in 2007-2010, and my experiences at UCL during my BSc in biomedical human physiology settings (2013-2016). I've ultimately used this knowledge for my work as a KCL contributor/ambassador interacting with a diverse range of people from varies neuropsychological profiles.

The idea is that one can infer nervous system and brain function without any neurophysiological or neuroimaging device of any sort.

(these are based on combining other prompt sheets like these that have been peer-reviewed and clinically-validated)

These are directly applicable to :

--- interacting with a diverse array of individuals, in clinical but also academic & educational administration settings.

--- first aid responses, occupational health policies, organisational management.

--- experiential differentiations in-person vs telecomm.

They look something like this: {link}

I am considering putting them on open platform sites similar to etsy or amazon prime, and to have those as tablet e-downloads in svg/png/jpeg format.

Without any apparatus/tools/equipment:

Without any apparatus/tools/equipment:











With some apparatus/tools/equipment:

With some apparatus/tools/equipment:









