CognTech and BioNeuroTech in context

Content from BioNeuroTech overlaps with CognTech, and these domains have both partly merged into each other, even if they remain separate websites. 

Rationale #1

     The original rationale was to have a different focus for each website. In 2016/2017, I originally started with the BioNeuroTech domain, as I wanted to focus on bio- and neuro- aspects of systems, then I incorporated more and more purely 'cognitive' projects, so I then later made CognTech. Rather than separate the two, or merge both into a new BioNeuroCognTech domain, I didn't delete any the of the content, and I realised it was easier for me to just create cross-referencing backlinks (provided clearly when appropriate) between both domains, and diagrams, and that visitors should find that easy to navigate. Again, the merging or complete separation is more trivial. So while those are separate non-identical websites, the type of content in each website overlaps strongly, to the point where you may see there are copies of the same information - which is intentional. 

What also gradually emerged was that 'bio'/'neuro' aspects (at all levels of analysis, in all ways) interrelated with 'cogn' aspects (psychology, behaviour, AI ML, ...) so much .....

e.g. Multidisciplinary and Integrative Applications for:

.... to the point where I kept the layouts as a matter of legacy.

Rationale #2

     The other fundamental reason pertains to web-domain hosting technicalities. Both BioNeuroTech and CognTech started on old website frameworks in 2016 (BNT came before CT), and then officially moved to official platforms in 2017. content was upgraded from the Wix, Office, and GoDaddy base servers, to the Premium Wix API and GoDaddy DNS registration service. CognTech was upgraded from the Classic Google Sites HTML to the Google AppScript and New Google Sites system. There were then further conversions to new versions in 2019 and 2021. The original (and still until today) divergence between web hosting parcellations is that features and functionalities differ greatly between the website APIs and UI consoles. That is why, since 2010, I have been using many different ones (Freewebs, Microsoft Publisher, Google sites, Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, Amazon AWS, GoDaddy, etc) as I wanted to experiment with a vast a arrays of types of versatility, functionality, both UI design & scripting, as well as open-source embeds. The benefits of some (e.g. Google) is that there are shared resource with pre-x G Drive for seamless integration, and with domain connect, ease of back-end edits, and front-end functions. It also has to do with domain name registration services. So again, as a matter of legacy, this is why things are as they are.

About different domain endings

You may have noticed variations on websites, for example BNT has a .net and .com, MNT has a .org and .com ; this is because I had originally chosen specific domain endings. However due to the complexities of the IP connection nameservers, reconnecting the auto-forwardings, mishaps with DNS records, and the delayed propagation of weblinks and data for SEO analytics purposes, things ere left as they are for now.

About MNT ltd


As shown in the diagram above, is the media platform by which I display/disseminate my content for educational purposes.