Exploring BMIs/BCIs

GIF references: Photographs and Screenshots taken by H Muzart. All equipment shown is owned by H Muzart, some of which is worn by H Muzart just to demonstrate how the real functional equipment could look in relation to a human head (see below). Some 3D computer structural visual models made by H Muzart, and others by Brainstorm/TVB team.

Portable Electrophysiology/Electroencephalography-based Devices

TBC - [currently learning about, garnering info, seeking finances and platforms, ...]

     As shown in the GIF above and the image portfolios below (PPT slides and G Doc) : The prototype digital models I made (in Blender, Windows 3D Builder, VoxelObjects, CADWorks) are just for illustrative purposes, which could one day be 3D-printed from any home. The photo images of me here are just models just for set-up and not actually functional. 

     The current plan is to purchase components (e.g. from OpenBCI , https:OpenBCI.f/#/profile/2487/Harry_M) or fully made ones (Emotiv EPOC+, Neurosky, Interaxon Muse, Neurable, etc), worth £100s/£1000s (for which I will seek out funding), which I can then experiment with and review. They have been reviewed by others (see YouTube videos and PubMed / G Scholar publications) and may soon become ubiquitous, and my interest is also in reviewing those to see how good they are compared to university-grade and clinical ones. The central nervous system in mammals (and PNS to some extent) represents a grand challenge, notably the compactness and complexity of the organised matter. 

     Further down this page, there is also another 3D-Model: (see also Visual Brain Models) obj.blend model made by H.M., using Blender3D dynamic programming and open-source structural neuro-imaging data and hardware blueprints, and posted as interactive web-based embed at sketchfab.c/neuro-brn-2384.

     With regards to the tools under (e.g.) OpenBCI (Ganglion board, Ultracortex, Cyton, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, etc), note that because these are interoperable, they will allow for not just throughout processing, but also sensory inputs, and motor outputs & effectors. This neural engineering links into many other sections described in CognTech/BioNeuroTech.

     Furthermore, despite neuroplasticity in biological neural network circuity, there is the lack of regenerative capability of adults neurons, that is why I also have an interest in looking into surgically invasive alternatives (similar to standard ECoG implants, Neuralink devices, etc). (more info on this TBC).

     Overall, I have been prototyping for both wireless and wired non-invasive (extracranial) devices, and (intracranial) invasive devices.

Wearable VR+AR Glasses, and HCI

     I have used tools like 'Cardboard VR Googles' and VR/AR/MR (Virtual, Auugmented, Mixed - Reality) compatible content/programs on my mobile device. I am interested in developing these technologies, and producing my own content (some of which I have already done), but so far I have mainly just been using those already on the market, since 2016, to experiment in various environments, to investigate the error range of variable parameters, and see what needs to be worked on. My interest is also (similarly to other CognTech info [link-1] [link-2] [link-3] [link-4]) in combining AR/VR with EEG, and using both non-AI and AI features. This also relates to standard HCI (Human-Computer Interactions/Interfaces, for example in terms of visual UI psychophysics, social robotics, etc) [link-X] .

Hearing Devices

TBC - [currently learning, gathering info, seeking finances and platforms, ...]

     I myself have had sensorineural deafness in my left ear from a barotrauma since age 15, and aside my interest in stem cell therapies that I studied a lot while doing workshops with academics from the London Ear Institute (UCL 2015) and throughout my life, I also have been motivated to develop an interest in both invasive (eg. cochlear implants) and non-surgical bone-anchored hearing aids (NSBAHA), which allow to use the other ear's intact middle ear bones and cochlea, via cranium sound conduction. Here I have 3D models and photos as concept art by me. The plan is to purchase (for example, see links) a device, either via the NHS or private providers. Ultimately one may use these for help with auditory cue testing in stereo environments for people who have either sensorineural deafness in one ear or not. I myself have used one (from the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims and Gerbaut Audition, and Kent East Hospitals Trust Neurology). The only constraint is financial. After that, the quality of these devices I could review, and self-administer questionnaires and test out hypotheses. I can also review other devices and software I have used so far. There are also in-ear devices for cognitive experiments using auditory cues or for neuropsychiatric wellbeing lifestyle therapies.

Transcranial Brain Stimulation

TBC - [currently learning, gathering info, ...]

--- Direct (i.e. not via indirect cognitive means) and non-invasive (i.e. transcranial, non-surgical, not invasive) brain stimulation.

--- As opposed to brain recording/imaging (as shown above and in other sections), this here would be to stimulate the brain directly, 'writing to' the brain, rather than 'reading from'.

--- Like conventional Transcranial Magnetic/Electric Stimulation : TMS, tRNS, tES, tDCS/tACS,  ....    but safer, smaller, and wearable/portable devices, which are still effective. Those have immediate effects during administration, but long-term effects (clinical rehabilitation, cognitive enhancement, etc) will depend on the type of device and intensity of administration.


Exploring BMIs/BCIs [Images]
Exploring BMIs/BCIs [Images]
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