Star ratings, labels, FAQs

What are the stars under each section sub-heading on the homepage?

1 [*] is the least, and 5 stars [*****] is the most.

The number of stars represents the relative time and effort spent by me, that was put into these.

5 stars would be on the scale of thousands of hours over years, which is hard to measure strictly, especially due to cross-reference overlapping back link connections with other sections, but it is a good rough approximation. This is specifically for my independent projects within CognTech / BioNeuroTech / MNT Ltd. There is also all the other work I have done for UCL, KCL, other organisations/projects, which again partially overlaps with the work presented on this website. So for example, I have spent a lot more time with BNN computational modelling than molecular computational modelling. Also see the wording of the descriptions and associated images.

Explanation for labelled text:

  • purple text = work/profile by someone else.

  • green text = work/profile by Harry Muzart.

  • underlined (except for some title sub-headings) = clickable dynamic URL link.

Navigating this website:

Use the navigation bar at the top or the homepage. You can also search for key words.

Frequently Asked Questions / main Q&A

More coming soon....

What does 'CognTech' stand for?

Cognitive/Cognition Technology/Technologies

Who is 'I'/'me':

Harry Muzart