Open-source citations

My attribution to others' works

See the CognTech website, CCNBS Res Pub, and the shared private Cloud Drive for the lists of citations and the actual uploaded publications themselves. Everything is referenced where possible.

If you want to use my work

To cite any intellectual property aspect and/or piece of work produced by me (Harry Muzart) and showcased on this website (CognTech), and the associated, you may do so, but only under fair use. 'Fair use' here is very broad in scope and relates to you using, saving, editing, modifying, and sharing with others, the content. These acts especially encompass use for educational, informative, research, and/or artistic purposes. It can even be using the content for commercial purposes. All this should be done as long as it does not constitute defamation, libel, misrepresentation, misleading content, or use for malicious activities. Please, to avoid violating plagiarism and soft copyright laws and relevant policies, all you need to do is to simply quote a citation similar to this one:

(name of the main creator (Harry S F Muzart), appropriate date/year, a title descriptive that is representative of the content, an http url link (top-level domain or sub-level))


Muzart, H. (2021) Project in Biological Neural Networks. []

The above (or something to that extent) contains sufficient information. Basically, it is just a reference that points your reader to the original author (without them conflating me with someone else), gives them an idea of the approximate time period, and is a way for them to easily find the original source material, for their reference.