Neuroscientific and Computational approaches to Economics & Society

Below are some of my scientific research interests, which I have already been learning about. It is centred around this : How can formalised first principles and mathematical models be applied to deal with complex sociological systems? .... While I have of course not developed these models myself, I am very interested in how helpful they are in understanding the following (below), and I also am working on all these indirectly in some capacity.

Behavioural Neuro-economic Macro-economic Game Theory, and its Evolutionary Neurophysiological basis

Much of this comes from the eco-ethologist K Lorenz (Physiology Nobel 1970s), mathematician J Nash & psychologist D Kahneman (Economics Nobel 1990s-2000s), M Ridley, J Tooby, and others. In other words: how do we make decisions in today's market economy. There is certainly a crossover with my interest in economics (, MNT Ltd), the use of DML in augmented reality to study crowd behaviour (CognTech ML DCNNs) & explorative behaviour of agents (CognTech RL), virtual 3D model environments (CognTech 3D paradigms), movement tracking (xxxxx), CCNBS literature data (xxxxx), etc.

Variational Ecological Neuro-Ethology and its Applications

How does visual information available online help us navigate deeply-structured real-world environments and help us make the most out of our experiences? This topic here overlaps with testing variable-based hypotheses while exploring the real world with a digital interface, and it is partly to do with the documenting of my contributions (user:hmuzart@gmaps, and web.gmaps.o/hmuzart ( of content to, for example, Google Earth / Maps / Streetview / Reviews - with my own digital assets: image photos, panoramas, 360deg AR/VR photospheres, 3D CGI building asset features, during 2016-2022. This is yet to be developed further, but I will posting more information on how various topics/concepts (the outside environment, buildings, geography, geomatics, materials science, architecture, biodiversity food chains, physiological states, cognitive maps, visual emotional episodic memory cues/scenes, decision-making, AI-enabled navigation, social crowd behaviour, informatics) can all be integrated into common blueprints. One main example of my research is that an increase in type-dependent information content (X) (e.g. no info pics vs more info pics vs many), leads to better learning episodes and optimised experiences (Y), in a quasi-linear way presumably, with indirect effect on better health which feeds back into learning skills. So policies to change curve: one thing is tailoring content in interdisc and multipsychiat way to increase P of matches, which acts a way of educational information for people (the public, patients, etc) to learn quickly (via visual mnemonics) and internalise, and in-practise makes them more confmortable and more apt (due to familiarity - cognitive preplay simulacrums) with in-situ real-life experiences. My added-value/contributions was to further all this. (all this, by the way, conforms to matters of local jurisdiction, privacy ethics, data protection laws, etc). Also, like my 3D simulations, this also links with my work in open-sourcing virtual access to virtual photorealistic navigationable simulacrums of real-life real-world environments (e.g. interactive digital screens in the real-life world, scientific resources & facilities in research universities and clinical settings, etc; and also of people (with blurred-out faces)) (e.g. as I am digitising and publishing here ) - essentially here we may investigate a refined algorithm for 'digitising/mapping the world', that is, something of higher-fidelity low-error-margin narrow-equilibrium stable state. We may try to produce cognitive 3D reconstructions of objects from images collected efficiently from grid-based topographical maps organised around 1 object; or peri personal allocentric neurocognitive perceptual embodied immersive as a recursive model of the external environment, i.e. a singular point of view being able to zoom in on many objects in he peripheral field of vision. These would however remain static or animate, and remote sensor tech would be needed for remote bidirectional interactions. There are currently many Apps on the market that are tapping into this idea. In summary, this will have many applications in education and scientific research, as well as neuro-marketing (in combination with eye-tracking, BMIs, and predictive analytics). It will also be applied to the clinical neuropsychiatry of ASD, dementia, hearing impairments, etc (in combination with: remote e-tech measures/interactions; integrations of multi-modal psychometric data; personalised labelling of objects, emotional faces, speech patterns; etc). Similar to all this are the scope of Google Earth / Maps / StreetView / Reviews and and others.

Mapping the World of Humans

Related to the above section, especially my Google Maps/Earth contributions (link-1 & link-2), much of my journey since 2005 has been documenting and archiving image files (photos, 360-deg 3D panoramas, videos, gifs, CGI assets) of the world (places, facilities, people) and producing reviews (in writing, via audio/video) for items, products, services, and places. Much of this involved developing my skills in evidence gathering, investigative journalism, and scientific hypothesis testing. As part of this I have gotten involved with affiliated Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon programs. (more info here TBC).

Evolutionary Applications to Population Algorithms (at the population level)

This would apply to things like animal crowd behaviour, macro-economics, populations of self-driving cars learning together, internet-based memetics, and epidemiology.

Statistical Models of Financial Markets (stock market analytics, etc)

From popular culture, but certainly from the televised news cycle, I have developed a strong interest in that. I have briefly looked at tools like JStock, tools, tools, and others, e.g. Trading-212, particularly other features that use machine learning and predicting trends and optimal buying and selling. Companies involved in CCNBS fields I have studied and invested in (harry-muzart portfolio). This remains important knowledge when (not if) there is another financial crisis.

Internet-based Memetics

This involves ideas from anthropology now in the context of the 'Internet of Things', with the massive advents with Web 2.0, and issues of surveillance consumer capitalism, recommendations from Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc, based on user locations, likings, etc, and also which memes (ideas) make it through. The IoT, based on my analytics (using web analytics like G Analytics and others) of my content (yet to be analysed), is of particular interest, as I have about the last 5 years of data yet to be looked into. This is to help further what to to do next and predict future trends. There is hence a motivation to think about all this more formally, as I am navigating the online computing-related works and open-source popular science, and trying to popularise my own work. Note: evolutionary memetics relates not just to the evolution of brains & evolutionary psychology, but it is also in terms of the memes themselves undergoing natural selection (basically how cultural information is transmitted and how memepools change over time).

Social/Psychological Experiments as Videos


Crowd Biomechanics


Data-driven Social Issues via Freely Open Discussions

See my recommended works and recommendations at and .

Epidemiology of Microbial Pandemics, and exponential growth

Since my late teens, I was always interested in medicine, including infectious diseases (in terms of immunology biochemistry, pharmaceutics, clinical symptoms, and healthcare policies), and I have been following works (by the London SHTM, the Bill Gates Foundation, etc) very closely. I have also been interested in the direct neurological effects (neural system pain sensations, sensory effects, stroke increases) and indirect neural effects (somatopsychogenic ailments via mental heath problems). More recently, with Covid-19, at the molecular and societal levels, many organisations are being incentivised to study this, especially with new computational models (see , ). Much of my current work in e-education, mental health, and policy implementation as a KCL ambassador & as an independent scientific researchers for CognTech/SciOrg, is motivated and redirected in the context of potential lockdowns. This also ties in to everyday macro-economics.

Mapping the Geosphere Human Biome onto Space Colonisation Protocols

This, back in the 1990s, I thought would remain science-fiction within my lifetime. But now, as we are extending beyond the biosphere, in the next 5 years, we will need to address this more. Works by entrepreneurs like J Bezos and E Musk makes it very clear that human society and infrastructures as we know it must encompass protocols of high Earth orbit and interplanetary interactions. There are simulations similar to 'Universe Sandbox' other video games I had trialed, which are used by NASA/SpaceX etc. This ties in to Earth activity ultimately, such as resources sustainability and human activity.

Getting more UK MPs to discuss A.I. and the Future of Jobs

TBC. See my political manifesto at .

Replacing Human Politicians' Policy Decision-making with Science-informed A.I. Bots

I have had affiliated activism in scientific, educational, awareness, social and political campaigns, especially with my interests (HM website) and campaigns. It is only in recent years that this is a conversation that has been happening only amongst a few. I am yet to publish my own political manifesto if I were to run for regional positions, but ultimately these AI systems would handle the works of sociologists, legislative bodies, juridical systems, economists, moral philosophers.


Also, for all this, see data visualisations ; but yet to be done are exponentials and waves of closed loop systems (using R Studio, MS Excel, Flourish).


Overall methods: passive social group behaviour observations (e.g. responses to content and/or organisational changes environmental venues, automated visual labels via apps, etc), open-source sociological/financial data with opens-source software, web analytics (traffic, engagement, demographics, click-throughs; changes over time periods and in responses to audio-visual content changes), qualifying cultural influences on individuals and vice-versa, etc.

Neuroscientific and Computational Approaches to Economics & Society [Images]
Neuroscientific and Computational Approaches to Economics & Society [Images]
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