Computational Psychology

GIF references: Figures generated/saved by H Muzart. Content graphically modelled with Matlab code, by H Muzart. Use of arbitrary values. Using MATLAB/Matlab tools.

Computational Psychology/Psychiatry

Rather than focus on using neural data for computational models, here there is an interesting case to be made for computational modelling of purely psycho-behavioural (cognitive) data exclusively, e.g. from my novel paradigm HCI-based data collection. This can be a simple as using MS Excel to more advanced IDEs like MATLAB (Mathworks). These simulations can be back-linked into the neural-related literature and data (e.g. CognTech [reviews] [neural-2] [neural-1]). Another link is with A.I. work [e.g. the RL-agent]. I am yet to fit the data. Here are some empty repos I will try to contribute to: , . Furthermore, this has many applications in psychiatry in terms of data analysis and interventions, e.g. with applied CBT.

Of particular interest is dynamic visual video scenes and emotional faces, using accuracy and response decision time data particularly looking at feature-based decisions. So far, in my 2016 thesis (UCL) and 2020 thesis (KCL), I have explored models for complex processes based on simplified constructs, which I needed to isolate and simplify for my analyses; also I did not use computational modelling for these. But ultimately, I am interested in realistic complex constructs involving Bayesian inference processes of context-based information (prime priors (temporal) and background frames (spatial)), using computational modelling, as a means to understand the brain's general-purpose model of the world (UCL lab math). Furthermore, this would integrate a drift diffusion process of decision making as stochastic noise affects decision making with evidence accumulation which could potentially be mapped to electrical LFPs (see monkey/human experiments, UPenn lab code, Stanford lab code, Leuven lab code, Brown lab code). Interesting functions can come about from these simple system parameters. This leads to further philosophical questions of emergent free will (raised by S Harris, D Dennett, etc), and it underpins a review of the methodological mechanisms behind every scientific neuroscience, psychological and social science experiment that involves decision-making.

Formalised mathematics: TBC

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